The Times Dispatch reported that a Mr. Craig Bradlee of the Big Lick
Ferret Shelter and Hospice went to the Roanoke SPCA and paid the $25
for the animal to 'bail' it out of 'jail' for being shipped in a card
board box! Am so very glad the animal was fine and that the post office
people got the legal papers to do a search of the moving package. Am
surprised the animal didn't suffocate in there!

The shipper could not be found to be hog tied and strapped to a cement
anchor and thrown into the Roanoke River. All kinds of federal agencies
and the courts came to the rescue of this active little critter. It was
shown on TV and the little guy was a typical active hopping and dooking
little one pound guy! (probably a female).

It simply never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of people. I think
thevsender had good intentions where it was shipped in the box that
had a wire cage with food and toys but really , , , DUH!!!!! More like
CAPITOL DUH !!!!! Worse yet the animal was to be shipped next day to an
address outside the country! Pretty darn lame. The receiving address
was a small town outside San Juan, Puerto Rico ! DUH !

So all is well and we all can be very thankful for Craig Bradlee's
kindness. Thank you Craig!

aarrow ranch Signature
Remember, we live in a deadly dangerous beautiful world!

[Posted in FML 6678]