Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

April News 2010

Possum Here: Happy Happy New Year!

Suzie Q Here: Hey Possum you already did the New Years mews it is
Easter now! Man you are getting really forgetful in your OLD age gray
too for that matter!

Possum Here: I am not old and not forgetful maybe a bit gray though.
I was just making sure the humans out there were paying attention. We
have some really important things to tell in this month's news.

Suzie Q Here: Yah right what exactly is that? I get the same notes you
do from shelter mum about what is to go in the news and I do not see
anything in MY notes about more important stuffs than any other stuffs
we have notes on.

Possum Here: HA! That is because when important things are going on in
the shelter I am not sleeping like you are, I am paying attention to
what is being said, that is how I know about the more important stuff!
So here is the poop on some important stuff, we told you humans a while
back that we have this very nice lady helping shelter mum pull things
together so our shelter can become a not for profit organization,
shelter mum says it is a 501(c)(3).

Suzie Q Here: We already told them that; why are you telling it again?
Possum Here: If you would let me finish you would find out what is so
important! The board of directors are set, Miss Kathy is working her
fingers to the bone putting the information together but ultimately
(like that big word? shelter mum taught me that one) it is Shelter Mum
that has to pull the information out of the shelter records and get
them to the correct person for them to do what needs doing so Miss
Kathy can get it on the correct form for the 501(c) (3). Shelter mum
is reading emails, keeping track of the FML, IFC, and all the other
important things she has going on in her ferret life, including US!
However some of the emails are not getting answered in a timely manner
but shelter mum wants you all to know she is paying attention and if
there is a post that has a sick ferret in need or a fur kid that needs
a place to go she is on it but the other stuffs is getting set aside
so she can get this 501(c) (3) stuff together for the board and Miss
Kathy. She asked us to ask you to be patient with her.

Suzie Q Here: oaky okay they get it Possum! Now can we get on with the
other stuff? Mr Pete B. came in to see us, deliver the mending Miss
Lisa B. did for us, he swept the floor while shelter mum cleaned cages.
Miss Donna came in to play with Dancer and ME!!!! Cause I am special to
her. She picked up our toys and fixed our poo papers. She even raked
some of the leaves in the yard, she hates raking leaves but shelter mum
had not gotten the leaves off the flowers so Miss Donna did it. Thanks
Miss Donna! Miss Margaret from Staten Island picked up a fur baby that
was living in the Bronx to bring him all the way up to Naples to
shelter mum because his owner did not want him any more. He was only 12
weeks old and already in the shelter. Shelter mum says that makes her
really sad. So when Miss Janette came to look at shelter mums computer
to see why it has a mind of its own, shelter mum took Miss Janette into
the room to meet Stitch. It was love at first sight! Miss Janette took
him out of the cage and held him the rest of the time she was here
working on the computer. Stitch went home with Miss Janette the
following Thursday. Pictures of them the day they met are on our web
site http://www.ferretfarm.org/Stitch.html

Possum Here: Don't forget about Miss Whitney and Mr Sam they came to
see us too, looking to adopt. Bacon and Bits fell in love with them.
After some visits with us and discussions about their short term future
plans they decided it would not be fair to Bacon and Bits to take them
home with them because they had so many things going on between March
and July. One being they have no home to go to because they are
graduating from college in May, then getting married then finding a job
to where ever there is one. So Miss Whitney contacted shelter mum to
see if they could sponsor Bacon and Bits instead. Mum sent them the
information she is now waiting to hear from them. Miss Jackie R. has
been dropping by to pick up dirty laundry to help mum keep up. Shelter
mum does a minimum of 3 loads a day 7 days a week but when she strips
cages there is more bedding to wash and 3 loads do not keep us in clean
laundry, so Miss Jackie takes 3-4 loads home with her to do for us
too. When she brings the clean laundry back she sometimes brings mum
lunch/dinner too. Miss Jackie knows shelter mum sometimes forgets to
stop and eat so when she brings in the already cooked food mum sits
and refuels. Thanks Miss Jackie for helping us take care of our
shelter mum.

Suzie Q Here: Hey Possum don't forget we have an update on the sick
stove! Remember when Possum told you our stove was sick and mum was
burning things (shelter mum is a good cook when she gets time to cook
so don't even go there) she was burning our Duck soup, well Miss
Jennifer B. tried to help by getting a repair man in to fix it only it
was not really that fixable so shelter mum got a call from Home Depot
that there was a new stove going to be delivered on Thursday. Miss/Mr.
Anonymous got it for us so mum will not burn our Duck soup any more.
Miss Jackie came to sit with us to be here for the delivery. You can
see pictures at

Shelter Mum made us a new batch of soup yesterday nope. Nope. Nope, no
more burned soup. Miss Jennifer B. called mum to see how the fixing of
the stove was going mum asked her if she was the one that bought the
stove she said no it was not she. Me, Possum and shelter mum say thanks
Miss/Mr. Anonymous for our new stove and no more burned duck soup. Miss
Iliana comes to help on Thursdays she brings us water when she comes.
Miss Iliana decided she wanted to sponsor Bandita and Delilah so she is
their not so far away far away mom. Pictures of them are on our site
too. The girls have so much fun playing with their far away mom.

Possum Here: we got word that 489 of you went to our webshots site to
look at our pictures http://community.webshots.com/user/lakeroad2
that is so great that you go look to see what is going on here at the
shelter. Miss Mindy has been really busy keeping the web site up and
running. There have been all kinds of glitches so she has had to spend
time fixing them. Shelter mum says she is such a blessing to put all
the hours into our site for us. Thanks Miss Mindy!

Suzie Q Here: Hey Possum don't forget we need to tell about Ferret Only
Clinic day; Miss Mindy has all that information up on our site now so
you can go here to see what is happening
Clinic day is coming up fast! Well Possum I think we have all the notes
shelter mum left us covered and then YOU'RE important information
because you stay awake is done so we better close this news before
Mr. BIG tells mum our news is too long to go on the FML!

Possum Here: Mr. BIG will not tell mum we can not put our news on the
FML he just rolls his eyes and fixes it so it will fit.

Suzie Q signing off until next month. 

Super Snooper Trooper Senior Reporter signing off until next month too!

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter

Petfinder Page

Newest Shelter Video

Shelter Video

Fur kids with new homes

[Posted in FML 6658]