I have a funny story that I have to share with people that can
appreciate ferret humor. I have this little albino sweetie that has
adrenal cancer, she is deaf and was abused badly when she was just a
kit. She Biteeessss like a fiend if you do not know how to handle her.
Her name is Grace, very deceiving, lol. She is one of 3 Graces we have
had over the years and by far the most misunderstood, in my opinion.
Everyone that pet sits for us know to be careful of Grace, make sure
she is awake and aware of you before you reach for her. My husband
and I recently had to go out of town, we are house hunting, and had a
sitter in with the babies. He is very dependable and has sit for us
before. He also handles Ms. Grace very well and has never been bitten
by her. Today we got home and he stayed to help me trim nails while
the hubby unloaded the luggage and stuff. Because Grace has failed her
chemo, we just keep her comfy and happy, but I warned him before we
left that anyday could be the last. He assured me he was prepared, but
I know he was relieved when we got home and she was still with us.
Anyway, we were trimming nails and he reached in to get Grace and she
didn't flinch or twitch or nothing. This big ole boy was stunned that
she was gone, or so he thought. He looked at me with tears in his eyes
and said I think Grace "went to college" our term for passing away. He
was holding her so sweetly and was going to kiss her when she suddenly
opened one eye and would have given him a lip piercing if I hadn't
stopped him. I know I will go to hell but that was the funniest thing
to see him go from, oh poor baby to holy sh*t shes gonna get me, in
the blink of an eye.

I hope ya'll appreciate this as much as I did. Apparently he has never
dealt with a ferret that SND sleeps.


[Posted in FML 6658]