This is a very important topic that needs as many responses as
possible. Almost 100% of ferret owners will face this issue. When is
it time to separate a group of ferrets? When one ferret in the group
goes adrenal and misbehaves? You never want a ferret to "have to" live
alone, but when is that the only option? My individual problem follows,
but feel free to address the other questions above.

I have an established group of ferrets that, when not out playing, live
in a very large cage together. My big guy is adrenal, but he never
shows it inside the cage. But, when I let him out to play, he plays
very rough with his cagemates, no matter the adrenal med. The two he
bothers the most squeak and squeal, but the big one never leaves a
mark -- no puncture or scratch. He isn't sucking the hair off their
ears, which would be a normal adrenal behavior. The big one will chase
and chase them for ten minutes without stopping. Is this a case of the
big one can live with them, but he can't play with them, or, because he
isn't leaving any physical damage, he can stay and play and I'm just
being an over-protective mom?


[Posted in FML 6657]