What?! Treats dangerous? Yep, that's what I said, dangerous. My kids
love those N-Bone treats. Just love them, yup LOOOOOOVE . Anyway, I
broke open a new pack, broke one in half (Mom only gives half a one
at a time.) and the kids, Dobbin and Zoe, went off to their favorite
chewing spot. Good thing I was keeping a watch, my little Zoe-Bear
started clawing her mouth and trying to chew in an odd way and was
fussing quite a bit about it. Her treat left alone on the floor. I
picked her up and the treat. the treat didn't have a mark, as she
hadn't had a good chance to start on it, but her mouth was a different
story. I had to scruff her to see what was going on, and even then, she
didn't want me to mess with her mouth. Somehow she had bit down on the
n-bone with her fang, and the right top fang had broken almost all the
way off and was hanging by a thread toward the inside and roof of her
mouth. (Never saw that comin'.) Sooooo....

I'm on the phone talking to a shelter friend of mine, and talking to
the vet. Meanwhile the little stinker is doing her best to try to fix
it herself, though I was still holding the little squirmer. Zoe bear,
(Bear added to her name after having a tail amputation, but that's
another story...) was not bleeding all that much, and I tried to see
how much the tooth was stuck on, I moved it back to it's original
position, and it seemed to want to stay, so I thought, maybe this will
be okay.

Well five minutes later, she was pawing at it again, and it was bent
over again. When I moved it back again, it came out. I was so
surprised, after the initial panic , of course, and there was little
blood. She's a 3 year old ferret, so this isn't baby tooth loss. I
guess we were lucky, I have heard bad stories of fangs breaking or
splitting and the fuzzy having trouble, but she healed quite well, and
we watched for swelling, discomfort and infection but had none. The
little bear acted as if this sort off thing happened every day, and
suffers no ill effects save that she prefers the other totally ferret
treats now! Go Figure.

Anyway, even the most harmless of things can be a hazzard to our kids,
so be careful, and watch out for those beastly treats!!

Yes, I still give them, but I only give them if I can keep a close
watch on them while they eat them. I figure if the odds are 1 in 5000
this could happen, we've had our one. But better safe than sorry.

Cindy and the 8
We're all here, except some of us who aren't
though some of us who aren't all here, are

[Posted in FML 6681]