Congratulations!!! I know you worked so hard on this and happy the
results were awesome. Wish my girls and I could have been there. Maybe
next year. I would like to start introducing them to the world out
side. They, especially Ripples, do not seem to tense and tremble as
often as they did when I first started carrying them around the house
outside of their playpen.

Jimmi I've benn thinking about your suggestion about writing the
stories: how the love of one little albino ferret helped our younger
son discover friendship. Then the story we are living with today: three
little vampire vixen ferrets became the Miracles they are today. We
are not totally bite-free, and I do not expect them; but they are
definitely getting there. Example: gentle nipping to communicate an
invitation to play is acceptable.

Congratulations to the ribbons and trophy winners!! I know you are all

Deborah and The Miracles

[Posted in FML 6679]