Hi everyone!

Somewhat unusual question: does anyone know of a good training treat
when teaching a ferret to jump through a hoop? Here's the backstory: I
have a stage act where I use two small hand hula-hoops (about 20-inch
diameter). Every time I practice with them, Eddie is FASCINATED.
Especially when they move. I let him play and sniff and climb all over
them. Then I got an idea: why not teach him to jump through one? I'm
not talking anything insane, just a little hop a few inches off the
ground. Eddie is clever and a quick learner, I know he can do it. I
just need a good healthy treat to motivate him. Any ideas? I've thought
of Ferretone or Nutrical, but obviously don't want to overdo the
supplements. Maybe bits of kibble? Thanks in advance!

Rachel, Valentine Michael Fuzz and Eduardo Zeppelin-Godzilla von
Sockslayer, future star of stage and shoulder!

[Posted in FML 6678]