17 ferrets in a .... box??!

 ...No food, no water, overflowing litter boxes, feces and urine
everywhere and very little light - all alone, left to fend for
themselves. All were in need of medical attention for various reasons -
adrenal disease, chordomas, rotten teeth, etc. Amazingly, all of the
ferrets survived. The SOS Blizzard Memorial Fund helped provide medical
care for these poor creatures, and gave them a chance to experience
comfort, light and safety. The Colorado Box Ferrets are another example
of who the Blizzard Memorial Fund has helped.

This fund was created specifically to help those ferrets that have
it the hardest - the ones that arrive at the shelter in appalling
condition, or in severe pain or emotional trauma and require immediate
medical attention. The ones that have spent their entire lives behind
bars in a small cage with no love or vet care whatsoever. They don't
know what it's like to be free, have fun or explore. Some have never
even had a toy. But with help from the ferret community, we can play a
part in turning their lives around. By purchasing raffle tickets you
play a direct role in helping ferrets and shelters get these wee ones
up and running again and give them what they deserved at birth - to be
happy, healthy and loved.

So check out the fantastic prizes at:


Like the brand new Wii - fun for the whole family!

A brand new Marshall Ferret Penthouse

A $100 Ferret Depot gift certificate

Totally Ferret food and treats

A set of 3 Eleanor Meade figurines

A giant sleepy fish

And Soooooooo much more --- bedding sets & baskets, wearables, cross
stitch ferrets, toys, treats plaques and Swarovski crystal jewelry......

The raffle runs from Feb. 23 to April 13. The lucky winning tickets
will be drawn by Bill Gruber. Winners will be notified by email or
phone, and announced on April 16.

Tickets cost just $1 each, or six for $5. You can allocate your tickets
any way you want! Your ticket numbers will be provided to you shortly
after your purchase.

Use Google Checkout to purchase tickets or you can send a check payable
to Support Our Shelters to this address:

SOS Blizzard Memorial Fund
c/o Lisa Oestereich
10010 Markham St.
Silver Spring, MD 20901

If you send a check, remember to include your email address or a phone
number! Please also NOTE THE NUMBER/S # OF THE PRIZE(S) you are
entering for! Checks must be received on or before April 9.

Dooks, dances and lots of wet nose kisses for helping ferrets in
crisis!!! Thank you,

Susann Thiel and Lisa Oestereich
Support Our Shelters

[Posted in FML 6655]