The Easter Card Exchange was a success!

Thanks to: Carol Owens, Marilyn Ledoux, Linda Wimpee, Kathleen Collins,
Kat Parsons, Darlene Cannon, Pat Shaskin, Angela Dixson, Ardtih Raine,
The Weasel on Inn, Ed & Susan Malone, Mark & Debbie Fitzgerald, Heather
Pittman, Rose Lee Wilson, Susie Riddle, Brenda Zupko, Betsy Woodard,
Darlene Wilcox, Sue Wilson, Laraine Bennett, Cynthia & Trish Houmard,
Erica Hohing, Paige Collier, and Jeff & Amereta Julian.

The cards that came in were amazing. You were all so creative. One
of the entries had additional card made by her daughter, it stole my
heart. Some were full of goodies (one full of raisins that I thought
were ferret poopies). I hope you all had as much fun as I did getting
the cards.

Pat Shaskin was the winner of the surprise "Egg" gift donated by
Totally Ferret. Thank you Liz and April!

All together you all raised $198.00 for the SOS general fund. That's
a lot of love and care generated by all of you.

Keep you eye out for the Memorial Day Card Exchange coming up in May.

Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 6668]