Tonks wake up, it's time.

Time for what Hoops?

Time to dig in couch for change. Time is running out for the SOS
Raffle. This is a special one.

Oh ya mean cause of the beautiful cross stitch that looks like me that
is one of the prizes?

Tonks, the only thing super hero about you is your ego. What makes this
raffle special is because it is for the SOS Blizzard Memorial Fund.
It's a very important fund. It help sick ferrets feel better.

Chill Angel, we have plenty of time. They extended the end date to
April 20, 2010.

But Tonks, I heard mommy saying our ticket sales are down, and more
ferrets need help than ever before. Oooh that makes me just quiver
thinking about it. Just think how many more hurting ferrets they could
help, if they raised $2000 like last year!

Angel, let me show you how it's done. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!

Yes Tonks?

Can I have some money for the SOS Blizzard Memorial Fund Raffle?

Yes dear, whatever you wish.

That's how ya do it Angel..............

The mid-raffle problems with Google Checkout have been fixed and we're
back up and running, but because of the delay, we're extending the
raffle for one more week. Numbers will be chosen at random by Bill
Gruber on April 20 and winners will be announced on April 23 and
notified by email or phone.

Tickets cost just $1 each, or six for $5. You can allocate your tickets
any way you want! Your ticket numbers will be provided to you shortly
after your purchase.

Use Google Checkout to purchase tickets or you can send a check payable
to Support Our Shelters to this address:

SOS Blizzard Memorial Fund
c/o Lisa Oestereich
10010 Markham St.
Silver Spring, MD 20901

If you send a check, remember to include your email address or a phone
number! Please also NOTE THE NUMBER/S OF THE PRIZE(S) you are entering
for! Checks must be received on or before April 17.

[Posted in FML 6667]