Hello everyone,

I guess I'm just not prepared to go down without a fight and am asking
everyone for your help. As you might know, the original deadline for
the pet portrait People's Choice Award was originally this past Monday
and the little hot rodders were a clear winner. However, without a
word, the sponsors, Photo District News in NY, extended the deadline
to this Saturday midnight PST and another image came out of nowhere
and was in second place on track to overtake the little hot rodders.

I had stopped asking for votes over the weekend and had no idea until
yesterday morning that there had been a change in the deadline.
Needless to say, I'm more than a little miffed and hope it is not,
as someone suggested, because they didn't want a ferret to win.

I'm asking every ferret lover to put on his/her gloves and not let
ferrets lose the vote as The People's Choice. Maybe it's because
I'm from California where ferrets are still illegal, but it would
absolutely lift my spirits to know that ferrets won over a human,
dog, cat or horse (much as I love all of those).

Please vote, and forward this link to friends and family. Let's show
everyone, including the sponsors, that ferrets and ferret lovers, are
tenacious and don't give up without a fight!

Here's the link:


By the time you receive this, there will only be two days left, Friday
and Saturday!

Thanks in advance for your support!

Jeanne Carley

[Posted in FML 6662]