Hi all,

I was looking for good info about flea, tick and mites control for
ferrets! Yes I used the search button... got a lot info, maybe too
much unusable info:

Frontline spray (what I use) frontline spot, advocate, stronghold,
advantage etc... A drop here a puff or two there... Use a needle and
get 0.3 ml etc...

As I say, I use frontline spray 250 ml. witch is the same formula as
the 500 ml. version. Correct? 1 puff per pound for the 250 and 500 ml.
Correct? And 2 puff's for the 100 ml. version?

Now my biggest hob is 1.850 kg. the other is 1.700 kg. they are getting
pre summer 3 puff's and mid summer 4 puff's from the 250 flacon. And 1
or 2 puff's for the wight 0.850 kg. for the jill.

I like to use the spray because it stays on the fur and does not come
in the blood... its easy to use less or more in the spring or summer or
an infest from mites, flea or tick's. And it does a good job for the
money ;) But 2 of the ferrets are sissies... They are alway screaming
and fighting back and never holding still when putting the spray on!!!!
So it is difficult to protect there soft spots :(

So the mean thing of my question is are there some alternate things
for putting the product on them? All info is welcome!

I thank you all,

[Posted in FML 6660]