It was a lovely night at the Bridge. All was quiet. Everyone was fast
asleep, including SaraFerret and de kits. Her new lounge chair was
sitting outside her cottage minding its own business also. But
then...with the whirring of his little wings, and a very loud crash,
everyone awoke. First Serena ran out the door, followed by Isabel, and
then of course SaraFerret appeared. Whatever happened! Give you three
guesses and the first two don't count. Dexter, the little boy courier,
had miscalculated once again--poor little soul. SaraFerret and all ran
to get him out of the wreckage. He was unhurt, and he shook himself as
if to check everything out. And she looked sadly at her once new chair,
but oh well; just maybe she had best give up the idea of a lounge
chair. The last ones had not done well; maybe just a quilt for her to
lie on would be best. After all, Dexter could never damage that, could
he? Finally, he remembered what he had come for and said,

"Wow, SawaFewwet, you ought not have goofy things like that chair
awound. Someone could really get hurt. But I has this note from the
Boss and a fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge and you best get busy and
quit messing awound with sleeping all the time. You know, you has
weally been slacking off on the job. I could pwobably be a better
bwidgegweeter than you. Now is there anyone you want me to get?"

He handed me the note and I read it. I avoided any temptation to thwack
Dexter and instead gave him a hug and a kiss and assured him that he
could probably be very good as a greeter, but that he was just not
quite there YET. Then I told him who to get and ran to the entrance.
I was just in time to see a large elderly Sable Tuxedo fuzzy meet me
there. (Yeah, for once I was on time). So I quickly introduced myself,
"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will run on green grass forever and have lotsa
friends. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He said, "My name is Skittles and I belong to Mommy Debi. Do you know
her? She told me that you had greeted lotsa her ferrets. Was she just
telling me stories? Where are all of these friends you are talking
about? I see just you. You are a nice girl ferret and I guess you and I
can be friends because I just love girls. Maybe you and I can just move
in together. Where are we supposed to play all these games ? And what
are those funny things on your shoulders--OOPS!--sorry, I didn't mean
to be rude, Mommy would never forgive me if she knew I wasn't being

I replied, "Well Skittles, I have never met your mommy, but I have
greeted a lot of her fuzzies. So she wasn't telling you stories. If you
are patient you will see them in a little while. There is no need to
move in with me. Besides there is just room for me and my kits. You
will be living with your friends. They will show you all the places to
play. As for these funny things on my shoulders; these are wings. You
will get a pair specially designed for you, they are great for flying
about the heavens, sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud.

So questions answered, off we went down the garden path to de Wing
House went de wings were stored. We opened de door and on de counter
was a big box marked "Skittles." He opened the box and took out the
wings--blue with silver tips. I helped him put them on and adjusted his
halo. Then he ran to the big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection.
Then he turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now."
Den I gots an idea.

So we opened the door and went down the lane to the Misting Pond. We
sat down beside the cool clear water and with one swish we saw a vision
of Mommy Debi and Happy appear. He got so excited he started waving and
dooking with all of his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I feel lots better now. I
have wings now and soon I will be able to fly. I am going to meet my
friends in a few minutes so don't be worried about me."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of his
love and laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to your
house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed dere.
And with another swish de vision was gone.

As we left there we went down de road and to his surprise, he met
Sullivan, and Tania and White Russian's Revenge and Pandora and White
Russian who were his family. They told him to just follow them. So we
all continued down de road to a village with a big sign (wow that place
was nice) #45 FuzzyLoving Lane. You could see that they were getting a
party together. Music was a-playing. Fuzzies were running in and out.
Many beautiful fuzzy ladies ran up to introduce themselves to Skittles.
I could see he was really enjoying hisself. Then he saw the food. All
the food, so forbidden on earth, chocolate of all kinds, pepsis, iced
cold tea. He was invited to dance and then someone mentioned that they
would run over to Dog Heaven and say Hi to Kaos their old friend later.
I knew Skittles was so happy in his new forever home, so I waved
goodbye and headed for home.

I had a new quilt to make and a lounge chair to toss.

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6660]