My little guy Dreyfus loves checking out different foods. Most of the
time he just sniffs and sneezes or gives us a look, but sometimes he
latches on to something. His main love is tomato sauce. The vet said a
lick is fine once and awhile, so he can get his tomato fix. The other
night I was eating a bowl of those little pickles. I figured leting him
check out the pickle juice would be fun for him. Well, he took a sniff,
then stuck his head in the bowl and started laping it up. He pulled up
long enough to sneeze then went back to the pickle juice. I stopped him
after a few more licks- now I have to ask the vet about pickle juice.
Now, when we eat something with tomato sauce he works real hard to get
to our plates, will I have to protect my pickles? And what would he do
for a pickle dipped in tomato sauce?


[Posted in FML 6627]