The weather had warmed up at the Bridge, but it was still cool enough
for outdoor fun. The ferrets were enjoying the otter slide for the last
few days, because they expected the otter's home soon and they would
want it back.

Oliver and No. 421 were in the kitchen planting a second Raisin Tree,
when there was a tapping on the door. Bluebird was there with a ticket
in her beak.

"Hi No. 421" she chirped. "We has a crossing that needs to be taken
care of right away. One of the other greeters has been having trouble
with her "puter" and this greeting has been on the Receiving Angels
desk for a few days."

"Not to worry Bluebird," No. 421 said. "Oliver and I will take care of
everything. Let me see the ticket. Uhhmmmm Blaze and Adam. Let me see.
These ferrets belonged to a shelter and if I am not mistaken, they have
some family here already. Oliver, see if you can round up one or all of
these ferrets; Cody, Joey, Phoebe, Fitz Alex, Gwen, Taymor, Arisa,
Molly, Reko, Ches, Mandy, Bear, Simon or Alvin."

Oliver went to the otter slide first.  Surely someone there would know
some of these kids. Arriving at the stream bank, he found many ferrets
sliding down the bank.  Boy that looked like fun he thought.  Maybe I
could just try one ride.

A sled was almost full, and just pushing off. Oliver jumped on the back
and down the hill they went. They hit a big bump and Oliver flew up in
the air, landed on the ice and slid into the water. He came up spitting
and freezing. No. 421 was going to be upset with him. He brushed
himself off, rung the water out of his tail, and started to the top
again. He was still shivering, and wondered what he had been thinking.
He was always getting himself into trouble, and now this.

"Hey guys," Oliver called. "Anyone see Cody or Alvin, Simon or Molly,
or any of those ferrets here?"

"Hi Oliver" Molly said. "Some of us are here, but the rest of the
family are home doing some spring clean up. What happened to you?"

Oh my goodness, Oliver thought, she is a cutie, and I look awful.
This is the worst I have ever looked.

"Well, er, you have family at the Bridge today and I'se here to get
someone to welcome them," Oliver said. "I'm sorry I look like this,
but, I uh uh well, I fell."

There, that would cover it. He didn't need to tell her how he fell.

"Hey, we can do that," Molly said. "Alvin and Cody are here with me.
If you are sure you are alright, let's go."

No. 421 had just arrived at the Bridge when he saw two ferret kids
playing. They were running around and one was just looking at

"Hello" No. 421 called. "Might you be Blaze and Adam?"

"That's us," one ferret called. "Are we at the Rainbow Bridge yet? Is
this the place we are to wait for our Mom? Our Mom told us Jesus was

"One thing at a time," No. 421 said. "Jesus is up at the Big House,
Oliver my currier is rounding up some family for you, and I'm here to
welcome you to your new forever home."

Oliver, Molly, Cody and Alvin came over the hill, and Blaze and Adam
ran to them and dooked and dooked. "Hi fella, How ya doin," Blaze said?
"Boy have we missed you."

Oliver was trying to slip away but Adam was still looking at
everything. "It has been so long since I saw anything; I just have to
look around," he said. "What happened to you?"

The other ferrets were in a group hug, when Blaze stopped suddenly.
She looked around for Oliver who was hiding behind a big tree, wishing
he were not all wet and was part of the group hug.

"Where is Grandma Johnson," she asked. "I has a message and a big hug
for her."

No. 421 heard her and called Shooting Star. He asked her to go over to
the Big House and get an angel currier. Then he told Adam and Blaze to
get a message ready to send back to their shelter Mom.

Shooting Star came back with an angel and she asked what No. 421

"Blaze has a message and a gift for Grandma Johnson in the Human
Division," he said. "I need an angel to escort Blaze over there so
she can deliver the message and gift herself?"

Taking Blaze's little paw in her soft hand, the angel picked Blaze up
and wrapping a wing around her, she began walking across to the Human
Division. Adam told Shooting Star to tell his Mom that they had arrived
safely. Both he and Blaze were feeling much better and he could see
everything now. Blaze had gone to deliver the hug, and they were all
going to go home with their other family, as soon as Blaze came back.

In a few minutes, Blaze came bounding across the meadow with the angel
in tow, dooking and dipping her whiskers.

"I delivered the big hug, and I told Grandma Johnson we missed her at
the shelter," Blaze said. "She was happy to hear from earth and she
loved her hug."

Adam thanked the angel and No. 421, and the five ferrets started down
the field of dreams to the family complex. No. 421 looked around for

"What are you doing behind that tree?" No. 421 said. "What happened to
you? How did you fall off the path?"

Oliver didn't say anything. He just slipped out from behind the tree,
checked to see if the coast was clear and was off like a shot for home.

He took a quick shower, threw on his sweats, put the kettle on and made
peanut butter and raisin jam sandwiches for supper. No. 421 wrote in
his logbook -- mission accomplished. Grandma Johnson went up to the Big
House and thanked the Boss for her hug and message, Blaze and Adam are
home with their family, and Shooting Star will deliver the message
tonight that everyone has settled in. Grandma Johnson is back in her
house, smiling and holding tight to her hug.

[Posted in FML 6626]