LOL!!! I, for one, am soooo use to this music!! I have 2 sons that
listen to it and like Wolfy said, I can "understand" it. (Somewhat) I
do , at times have to have my sons "break" it down to me, but I kinda
get it. LOL!! I couldn't watch the whole thing at the time because my
hubby was sleeping and he usually can sleep like the dead, BUT!!! It
sounds like they will go far being that is the "in" music now. Good
luck to them!! Now, I have a question thats ferret related. I took in a
new guy. He's about 1 and a half to 2 yrs, he's a Dew and he's HUGE!!!
The problem is my boy BooBoo does NOT like him in the least!! He wants
to rip his head off!! I'm so upset and tried just about everything I
can think of. The new guy is so sweet and gentle and will submit to
Boo, but Boo does not care!! My girls get along with him fine and I
can handle if I have to keep the boys seperate but I'm so sad to think
I may have too, any suggestions? I gave them all baths, washed all
bedding, paying extra attention to Boo but he is not a happy camper!!
oh and name suggestions are welcome too!! He's HUGE and a white Dew.
Thanks FML family!!

Darlene & Addie & Booboo & Gracie

[Posted in FML 6625]