Please read and if you agree, please sign the petition below:
Discovery Communications announced a new Alaska nature show starring
Sarah Palin -- the same Sarah Palin who escalated Alaska's war on
wolves and offered a 150-dollar bounty for the severed front-forelegs
of dead wolves. The same Sarah Palin who fought against increased
protections for America's struggling polar bear populations. And the
same Palin who fought against the increased protections for the
dwindling Cook Inlet beluga whales.

I'm troubled that Discovery Communications -- known for their stunning
wildlife-focused productions -- would choose to embrace such a
controversial and anti-wildlife person as Sarah Palin to represent
Alaska and the wildlife that lives there. I just wrote to Discovery
Communications urging them to dump Palin, and I am hoping you will too.
It's easy, just take action at

[Also,] There is a new petition to help prevent anti-freeze poisoning
in animals and children - a bitter taste would be added to get rid of
the attractive sweet taste in anti-freeze and vendors not complying
with this would receive misdemeanor charges and a fine of $1000.
Anti-freeze would only go up about 2 to 3 cents

Eleanor, Donald and the ferts

[Posted in FML 6653]