I have a ferret the same one who is recovering from ECE. Before we
found he had lost weight due to ECE we were thinking that he may be
developing adrenal disease. During surgery to learn why he was losing
weight our vet found an enlarged left adrenal gland and removed it. The
reason we thought he may be developing adrenal disease because he was
showing aggression toward one of the other ferrets (he was starting to
expand it to his cage mates by the time he had surgery). The aggression
was once every day or so he would attack this one ferret fairly

Now that surgery is over (about a month ago) and he is getting his
strength and some of his weight back (about 5 - 6 ounces) and is
beginning to play and even look pretty happy (open mouth swinging head
back and forth (only once so far)). He again attacked the little girl

My question (finally) is how long before the hormone level drops and
he goes back to being less aggressive?

Thank you


[Posted in FML 6653]