Ayla is on a moist food diet. If she doesn't eat ground kibble (enter
the coffee grinder) soaked in water, she doesn't take in enough liquid
with her meal to pass it without strain. She needs more water with her
food than most, because her teeth, though not rotten or lose, are very
worn down. Straining has given her hymroidal systs in the past, due to
a normal hard-kibble diet and some stress of a furry friend's death.
She gets fed her mush two to three times per day and has informed me
that she is very greatful that I finally figured out what she wanted
all along. Ayla will still eat kibble on occasion, but she depends on
the moist food as the primary way to fill her belly.

I've been unusually busy this week, and, quite unexpected yet welcome,
my husband has helped me with some light ferret chores (filling up
water bottles, holding things while I climb over the baby gate,...).
Today (and no, I wasn't thinking), I asked him to warm up Ayla's lunch,
which would save me two trips over the baby gate. He brings me the
small container with the lid still on. To my query, he affirms that he
did microwave it with the lid on. So, I've got to keep the eager Ayla
away from her meal long enough for it to cool as her body language
screams disappointedly, "Why aren't you giving me my food? I can see it
right there, Mom. It smells so good! Why can't I eat? I'm hungry, Mom!"
Am I the only one that knows not to microwave something with the lid

I set the lid on the chair in the ferret room. Ayla finally got to
enjoy her mid-day meal, and Codo, to whom she is bonded, joined in on
the munching. I got an idea (light bulb above my head and all that).
Clipping Codo's nails isn't as simple as putting Furo-tone on his belly
and snipping away. Due to his physical disability, Codo just can't
bend well to lick his stomach. Maybe I could distract him with Ayla's
leftovers, meanwhile doing the pedicure/manicure thing? To accomplish
this, I need to sit where none of the other furkids running about might
upset the bowl of watery mush, as they surely would, since I'd have my
hands full with Codo.

Do you remember where I put the lid to Ayla's food container? Do you
know what happens to a lid that covers a microwaved bowl? Plop goes my
butt on the mush-covered lid. Well, might as well go ahead with the
nail-clipping anyway; no sense in getting up and changing pants to just
to round up Codo again, get the food, get the nail clippers,...

It is all my husband's fault. He's been getting me out of my routine
with all his helpfulness. I never bring the lid in the ferret room,
which is why I forgot about it. It is all his fault. And, since he
just had to run out to babysit a cousin's two-year-old, I feel avenged.
Well, it was my favorite crimson velour comfortable-at-home outfit;
it is too dark to show Furo-tone stains and is easy for ferrets to
cling to.

Sometimes things just happen that are just accidental. A bit of humor
helps. Thank you, husband, for helping with Ayla's lunch; I will be
sure to give very precise directions next time.

Dooks to all,
Lori in Ohio

Ferrets: Rhys, Ayla & Codo, Mandie & Winter, Holly & Charlie

Cats: Reaganne & Little Miss

[Posted in FML 6649]