is thrilled to announce an absolutely
Royal new product. An addition to the Isabella Gucci Jones Collection.
The following write up tells you about it... but you MUST check the
website to see for yourself. I can only say that the pictures do this
adorable new addition no justice at all!


In honor of Isabella Gucci Jones and her beloved Tonks--I present my
new Royal Bedding. Each luscious fleece bed is more than fitting for
the Princes and Princesses of the Ferret Kingdom (even so far as having
padded pillows to rest their royal heads!!) Each Royal bed comes with 2
matching toys to entertain your majestic creatures after nap time! All
are made with soft cuddly fleece with cotton pillows..all are pleasing
colorful designs, that are fully washable and dryable! Please specify
Prince or Princess when ordering. 10% of each Royal Bed ordered will
be donated to Zoo's Ferret Sanctuary in Kirkland, Illinois.


Love on your fuzzies,

Please visit my website
and support shelters and BFF Research

[Posted in FML 6649]