It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was on de roof of her
cottage with Serena and Isabel. Whatever for, you might ask? Why, to
repair one of de latest miscalculations of Dexter's courier deliveries.
If you remember Dexter, there is no need to say anymore. SaraFerret was
holding de shingles down and pounding de nails down that Serena and
Isabel were handing her.

"There" she said, "Almost finished, except for dat corner over there."
With just a bit more pounding, she was finished. Then she looked up and
saw Mimi, the little girl courier, approaching, so she waved her over
to where she was. Mimi saw her and she alighted on the roof and said,

"SaraFerret, why are you on the roof? Oh wait, don't tell me. Was it
Dexter? We had a hole in the courier compound just like yours. We had
to fix it also. So I shouldn't even have asked. I know he means well.
Anyway, I have a message from the Boss. A ferret is crossing the
Bridge. I know you have greeted some of his friends. Is there anyone
you want me to fetch?"

She handed me de note and I read it. I asked her to get the family and
friends of the fuzzy. (My, Mimi was so smart to figure out who it was
who made de hole in de roof and she was right--Dexter was well-meaning,
but ...) I scampered off to de entrance. I knew I probably would be
late. And sure enough I was.

The fuzzy was waiting right there and looking puzzled and couldn't
understand which direction to go. Which was good for me, otherwise he
would have gotten lost and then I would've been in big trouble with a
lost fuzzy. So I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no pain or
suffering. You will have lotsa friends and will run on green grass
forever. Did I mention de fun and games?"

He replied, "My name is Kody and I belong to Granny and Mommy Julie.
Do you know them? Granny always wrote poems and said them to me and my
friends. Do you write poems and say them to your kits? I wanna go back
to them. I don't see anyone here that I know. All I see is you and you
seem to be awfully busy. What will I play with here? I don't see any
toys at all. What kind of games do you play here? I know I am a boy
ferret but would you hug me cause I am scared and I was asleep and all
of a sudden I was here."

I put my paws around him and gave him a big fuzzy hug as two big tears
dripped down his cheeks. "Kody," I said. "I know you were asleep when
you were called to leave, but once you are here there is no going back.
This is home now. I don't know Granny and Mommy Julie personally
although I have greeted a number of their fuzzies and I know Granny
writes beautiful poems. I just wish I could write poems like hers.
However some of de fuzzies here say poems so maybe dey will say poems
to you. I do read stories to my kits though. Trust me when I say there
are lotsa your friends here and you will see them later--please be
patient. We have lotsa toys here and games and your friends will show
them to you and just wait until you see de Otter MudSlide. It is just
de most funnest thing we has."

It seemed to cheer him up and he did admit he felt a whole lot better
than he had ever felt and then he noticed my wings and felt he just had
to ask. "Uh, SaraFerret, I don't mean to be rude, but what are those
funny looking things on your shoulders?" I mean are they growths or
something, cause if they are, then I apologize, cause Granny and Mommy
would be soooo upset if they found out I was anything but polite."

I answered, "Oh you weren't being rude. I was just getting around to
telling you about my wings. Every fuzzy that arrives here gets his own
special pair of these--designed for him. They are great for flying
about de heavens, sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud. So if you
will just follow me."

Together we went down de path to de Wing House. But at de door, we were
met by his twin brother, Ice Cream. Kody was overjoyed. They danced
for a minute. But I finally told them we had some things we had to get
done, so they settled down. We opened de door and on de counter was a
big box (of course). He opened de box and took out de wings--Lavender
with silver streaks. I helped him put on his wings and Ice Cream
adjusted his halo. Then he ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his
reflection. Den he turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Granny and Mommy
could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

So we opened de door and went down de path to de Misting Pond and who
should we meet but de rest of his family. There was Q-Tip and Patches
and Panda and all de rest. (Now at least, Kody knew I hadn't been
telling him stories). We sat down beside de cool clear water and with
one swish we saw the vision of his beloved Granny and Mommy Julie
appear. Kody got so excited he started waving and dooking with all of
his might.

"I love you both. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for your poems. My
family is right here with me. I have wings now and soon I will be able
to fly. My family says we have lotsa toys here and there are plenty of
games to play and places to go. Oh yes, I did get a hug when I got here
because I was scared, but now I am ok. I feel lots better now."

Then they all began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with all
of dere love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star and by de time you
should read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de
vision was gone.

So we left there and went down the road through the sweet williams
across the blue cornflowers past the yellow roses and finally saw their
beautiful cottage. Fuzzies were running in and out. You could see a
party was going on. Kody seemed really amazed. He asked me who the
party was for. I told him it was a welcome to de bridge party for him.
And that these were friends and neighbors. We went inside and all sorts
of food was laid out. The food so forbidden on earth, like chocolate
ice cream, pepsis, cold iced tea, and squirt cheese and crackers, etc.
Of course music was a-playing. He was so excited, he could barely dook.
His brother was chattering all about de Mudslide where they were gonna
go de next day. I was invited to stay and eat and dance, but I could
see that Kody was getting settled in, so I gave him a hug and waved to
all. I headed for home as I was really tired. All dat climbing around
on that roof had done me in. Yes I know this is de Bridge and all that,
but...fuzzies still get tired.

Hmmm now to figure out how to log this in...Kody or Cody? Ah well, de
Boss will know, He always knows everything.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6646]