Hello, wondering if anyone has suggestions or if anyone has gone
through this before:

Our little Sugarfoot has Lymphoma. It is affecting her stomache in a
really odd way. Her stomache does not empty as it should, and the only
tumor, visible on exray, and with barium series, is in the area near
her heart where all her esophogus, airway and some major arteries are
going into her chest. She has a hard time swallowing sometimes, an d
will occaisionally act like she is going to throw up. I originally
thought there was a mega - e thing going on, but the barium would have
shown it, and didn't. She is on pred, and a med i cant remember the
name, to help with peristalis (moving food through), and Omeprezole to
help her tummy. I have taken to watering her soup down a little so she
can eat it easier. It does help some. You'd never know she is so sick,
she is active, gets into things and basically is a ferret. She wasn't
doing this well before the meds started, but we have seen small
improvements daily. The vet said she will start showing signs and it's
a matter of time before she goes to the bridge. I don't know what to
think.......will the tumor suffocate her? will it stop her from eating?
will it affect her little heart? I wish I could see the future. I am
keeping these thoughts to myself, as this is my daughters ferret, and
she is beside herself since we found out about the lymphoma. Has nayone
out there had this problem?

Cindy & the eight little dookers

PS my email is changing to [log in to unmask] as of the end of the

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