When Hilbert (age 7) urinates on floors it is in a trail rather than a
puddle and he is having difficulty telling when he is going to defecate
so he may always have some pelvic pressure present. So I have questions
in with some who have used deslorelin to see if the same prostate meds
that are used with Lupron may be options if needed. He has the
Suprelorelin implant because he's inoperable for this.

The growth on Morney's (age 6, and she also has inoperable carcinoma)
face is now clearly sebaceous epithelioma. It is classic: textbook
perfect for image (if you need a photo for any records) but it still is
not bothering her at all.

Telemna's vulva is actually going down finally after her infection but
we are likely to still do a TN Panel on her if it does not completely
disappear again. She is 5 years old and got very fat this Winter,
resulting in her dragging her belly in litter and getting some feces
stuck in her vulva, hence the infection.

I had what was probably influenza for about 10 days and the boys got
it, first Hubble (age 5) and then Hilbert but they are both over it now
though Steve and i were prepped if we had to make an emergency run.
Hubble actually had the harder time with the GI portion of it, but we
think that his garbage belly (eating anything he can find on floors
and with our vision that is a problem) is setting him up for IBD. So
far Carafate is holding him. We use 0.3 ml twice a day of the standard
prescription Carafate suspension when he is doing well and go up to to
0.5 for those doses when he isn't.

Pivot is 2 already! Her only problem is that sometimes she has trouble
expressing her anal glands so then we have to soak her bottom in warmed
water. In fact, I had to do that today. First she gets nervous, but
then it lefts go and she relaxes and looks so much more comfy while the
water attains a bit of oil slick. Then I get to laugh because she will
often afterwards pass gas, blowing bubbles in the water.

Hilbert and Mornie are doing GREAT on the deslorelin implants. Symptoms
are reduced greatly and for some reason, unlike Lupron which seems to
have no emotional effect, the deslorelin is making them very active and
playful. I'd read others saying that but was not prepared for the
degree of it.

I'm dealing with a new mess in relation to Dad's estate. Two of his
investments appear to have the same Rhode Island paperwork contractor
and the screw-ups that place has made are horrid and constant -- and it
is now over 2 years since Dad died. I really wish I'd just had those
two liquidated like we did with two others after over a year of errors
and lost paperwork on their parts. Important Tip: any investment that
screws up paperwork after someone dies should be sold to spare yourself
costs that can even at times exceed the investment value since lawyers
have to be involved for some early transfer to estate stuff, i.e.
"liquidate the assets" (important term to remember) the soonest moment
that is possible with the investments that mess up and lose paperwork.
The RI contractor the current two are using sent an incorrect tax form
for one (double the amount actually received in dividends) and no tax
form at all for the other, so I will have to do his 1041 estate tax
forms myself with explanations for the IRS for numerical differences
and copies of all of the paperwork (which I fortunately have for both,
and the estate uses more than an entire file drawer to give an idea of
the amount of work involved these last two years) if the corporations
don't get their contractor to send new tax forms. If I don't do it then
Steve and I will have to personally absorb the loss and be out $2,500
for an accountant since the estate was already fully disbursed; it is
not worth that for an estate which generated in the 3 figures last
year. So, first I documented everything for the two companies' CEOs and
CFOs to see if those executives can get their paperwork contractor to
do the work correctly (with new forms to me and to the IRS), and made a
copy packet of that for the IRS, too, if they don't. Being an executor
is horrid. The single best thing I wish I'd done is to have liquidated
anything that can't get paperwork right ASAP. I am not even worrying
about the missing dividends from both of those at this point. Missing
that money is the least of the worries.

Dad had others that got everything right from the start or close to the
start and those my sister and I divided evenly and happily kept. Steve
and i are even thinking about in the future maybe putting some more
into one of those which did a great job.

And, no, I did not take the money that an executor is allowed to take
for work, but now seeing that sometimes an executor can be stuck with
unexpected expenses after the fact I can entirely see why it can make
sense to do so.

So, now you know one reason I've been on the FML much less for two
years+, first Dad's very demanding final illnesses, then his death and
this work. Steve has been my rock through this. How I ever got so lucky
to have him loving me so deeply ever and for so long is an amazement.
The last day of May will be our 30th wedding anniversary. (In October
we have the silver anniversary of buying our little condo which we
paid off in 6 and 1/2 years by doing without to the point where I was
patching underwear with pieces of other underwear that were too far
gone.), and in December I will turn 60. Pretty soon I should be able to
start catching up on things that have been postponed for 4 or 5 years
while more important things were done.

Last year I took some tools that had been Dad's and Grandpa's before
him and began creating things to help myself heal and find that very
relaxing. Colors are back to being vibrant for me. Some of you may
soon see some of the results in some raffles for SOS and the IFC. I
won't say now what the things are. You can be surprised.

[Posted in FML 6643]