Lissette, I 'bout pee'd when I saw this video. I knew by your
description exactly what I was about to see. But the very thought of
you watching ..... just slayed me. Many people are out of the loop
about this music. But it's been popular since my boys were in middle

I hate it, but, as a musician's mom I do understand what I'm listening
to and can very much appreciate it. What many don't realize is that
the musicianship required to do what this band is doing is incredible.
It requires more skill to play some of this type of music than most Not
in all scream bands, but many, this one as well. They are very talented
and skilled with great technique. The drummer is phenomenal. The
singing? Yah, ANYONE can do it I promise you. There are lost of
talented bands out there, not so many singers. And this music allows
anyone to sing. I know this cause Chet has produced and mixed some
music for local bands one year. He thought it was just hillarious at
how any kid could do it. When bands would joke around, everyone would
take the mic and take a shot. It really bugs me that the singing is so
popular. I think its awesome in moderation for emphasis. Real singing
being the bulk of the songs. I asked Chet the obvious question, "WHY".
lol. He said it's really passionate and a great release to sing along
and dance to. Anyway, I never wanna hear old people ever say our rock
music when it came out was nothing but "noise". The the you know what
ever. lol.3

Thanks for giving the link out. I always thought it would be way funny
to make one of my ferret videos to music like this ya know? Heeeeey,
how cool would it be to do to this song? Wait, I can't even if your
nephew wanted to as far as I know. His record company would vehemently
say no. Unless YouTube has an agreement with them to put up adds on the
video as they are now doing so readily. Worth a chance maybe? The worst
that happens is YouTube takes it down if the record company wants, and
says.....'uh no'. lol.

[Posted in FML 6624]