Okay, so here's an update on the kitten situation. As of right now, the
kitten is now my responsibility. Amy had a pretty bad accident. She
fell down her basement (cement) stairs and broke her leg and her arm in
several places. Other than that, she's okay - just worried about our
feline friend!

I was able to get kitty to eat something on her own today. I warmed up
a spoonful of Gerber Stage 2 chicken baby food, dabbed a bit in her
mouth, and she licked the plate clean! However, a few hours later I did
the same thing except I added some of the slurry mix. Kitty ate a tiny
dab and then refused the rest. So, I don't think it's that she CAN'T
eat, I think that she doesn't WANT to eat. We have tried everything to
get her to eat - added baby food to kitten dry and canned, added tuna
oil and water to dry and canned, tried a million different flavors and
brands of canned and dry, and nothing. So far, all she's eaten on her
own is a few bites of dry with tuna water on it and the chicken baby

I spoke to a cat-only vet and they said that I'm doing the right thing.
To just continue force feeding, offering kitty normal food before the
force feeding to give her an opportunity to eat.

I've also just emailed the lady from the rescue to see if I can
possibly adopt one of kitty's siblings to keep her company. I'm not
sure if this will help and I'm prepared if it doesn't. I'll just have 2
kitties to care for and I'll continue force feeding until kitty decides
to eat on her own.

Also, kitty has become EXTREMELY attached to me. She wasn't like this
with Amy. Kitty cries when I put her down. She is always by my side
except when she wants a drink of water or to use the potty. She is my
constant companion. I don't mind - not one bit - I love having her
snuggled up on my chest and following me around - but I'm wondering if
this is in anyway unhealthy? When I was a teenager, my mom and I
rescued some very young baby kitties and raised them. I've never had a
cat become so attached before. Maybe she's substituting me for her mom
or siblings? I don't know.

If anyone has anymore suggestions or ideas, I'd love to hear them!

[Moderator's note: All replies directly to the poister, please. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6641]