Yes, Wolfy,

Your marriage can be salvaged- because they offer many types of penis
bones on Ebay- I know, I bid and won 10 racoon penis bones 2 years
ago. These were offered at our Ferret Fiesta show raffle and given as
Christmas presents. Everybody loved them, although I believe a few
men slunk off somewhere and pouted by the Porta-Potties at the ferret

The snotty Hunter/Jumper world is insane. Still is, but I loved
belonging to this crazy-butt club. We had a lovely farm in Va., a
2-story 200-yr-old renovated "farmhouse", a "cottage" next door, which
was larger than the home I now live in. My mother had maids forever-
the first I remember was in 1965 - we would drive our laundry to her
home so she could do the ironing. At the farm, the maid came twice
a week, polished silver, talked on the phone, and yet, there was
always rat poop in the kitchen drawers, under the oven, wherever. The
saddles & bridles were always gleaming and spotless, and you could
literally eat off the stall floors. We had a groom, he'd come early
each morning to muck the stalls with the tractor and manure spreader,
but my mother would follow behind, and the teensy, tiny chunks of road
apples that had escaped from the pitchfork tines, she'd pluck up with
bare fingers and toss them from the stalls.

The apple never falls far from the tree. I don't pay much attention to
the dust, cobwebs in my home, but the ferret cages are a different ball
game. The ferrets all eat each morning before I do, same with dinner.
I know they can't stand day old water, and if they drink from crocks,
these are rinsed and refilled 2-4 times a day. I don't like old water,
so they shouldn't have to drink it either.

Whatever you do, if you visit my home, please ignore the mineral
build-up in my commode. It's horrible to scrub off, it's only minerals,
so I don't pay much attention to this. Besides, I only think of it when
I use the powder room. Out of sight, out of mind.

As for tattoos, mine is above the ankle, yet below the knee. Can't
see if you wear a long skirt or jeans. Besides, I chose this location
because I didn't want a saggy ferret- and if he'd been on my upper arm,
butt, thigh... well, he would look more like a sharpei these days.

Marlene b.
Ex- hunter/jumper queen, now ferret shelter Goddess.

[Posted in FML 6641]