Hello Everyone,

First I want to say thank you to all the wonderful people that have
sent blankets and floor pads to Adam. He sure is very special and he
says thanks to all of you. He loves his blankets and his floor pads.
Thank You cards will be coming and I hope this weekend I will get them
ready to mail. Between the Chemo and work it just takes so much out of
me that what I need to do I don't seem to get done other than taking
care of the ferrets. I also want to say thanks for the wheel chair for
Adam. We will start working with him getting him use to it. I know once
Adam gets use to that chair he will be so happy and will run all over
the shelter room.

It has been a hectic week. Monday I worked. Tuesday I went to my Stem
Cell Doctor in Pittsburgh and that night to the vets in Pittsburgh.

Renee my friend was having a dental done on her Dancer and getting him
a Rabies shot so he can go to the show. Well, let me tell you it was
the most horrible night we spent. Dancer had a reaction to the Rabies
shot and we almost lost him. Renee was crying and I was crying and even
the vet had a tear in his eye. I was praying for him and asking the
LORD to spare him.

When the blood wasn't coming from his rectum he was vomiting up blood.
We were there until really late. They gave him a 50/50 chance of
survival. I could hardly sleep that night and I had to get up to go to
work so did Renee and she was up every hour on the hour giving him meds
and water shots.

She took him to work with her yesterday. She works at a grooming place
and they have Vets right there that are good dog and cat vets just not
ferret ones. But they could give water shots and his meds when needed
for her.

Today she had to go to school so she brought them to me. I kept an eye
on him and she told me that he isn't really eating soup on his own so I
may have to feed him but that she did find him eating a little kibble
on his own which is a good sign.

I kept going to check on him every hour and the one time I went to
check he had drank almost all his water which Renee said he was
drinking a lot. I saw his food bowl was about half gone so he was
eating kibble again. Then I saw him hanging over the hammock eating
soup from his dish. So he seems to be on his way back from Death's door
PRAISE THE LORD!! Please give thanks to the LORD for sparing his life
and keep him in your prayers that he continues to do well and that the
ulcers will heal and leave his body. From all the stress of vomiting
he developed some ulcers.

Please be careful with these shots. DR Wagner is going to the Supposum
< spelling in May in VA. and he is going to be talking about these
shots. He says that more pets are dying from these shots and that they
shouldn't need them any more.

Titers should be done before any shots are given. What happens is they
get such a build up from the shots that they over does on them. Some
manage to make it though and some die. He said that they lose more pets
to the shots than they do the distemper itself.

I hope he talks about the Rabies shots in Ferrets too because that is
what Dancer had. I agree that if they never had them then they need
them. After that they should be titer tested to see if they need them
before getting them. I would love to go hear his speech but it cost
way too much just couldn't afford to do it.

This is my opinion after what I saw Tuesday Night at the Vets, All I
can say is if you don't take your ferrets any place don't get these
shots. I am thinking how bad these shots are affecting out babies. I
realize that when you first get a baby they need their shots for their
protection as well as humans but once they receive their adult shots
they shouldn't have to get any more.

This isn't the first one I have seen with a reaction. But this is the
first one I saw that was this bad. Poor Dancer he didn't know which end
to bleed from first his rear or his up chucking. Everyone take care and
have a super great day what is left of it.

God Bless You All
Hugs, Love and Prayers

[Posted in FML 6599]