Hi everyone,

I was just putting together an update about the four ferrets from the
fire when my phone rang.

I couldn't quite believe what the caller was saying. She had a very
raspy voice and explained that there was a fire at her house recently.
(She had been in the hospital for three days her lungs burnt and smoke
inhalation, taken to the hospital by ambulance). She later returned to
her house with the insurance adjuster and the family's ferret was alive
and met them at the door! Apparently no one could find their ferret
named "Monkey" and they feared the worst.

The house is non-inhabitable and the temporary place they are staying
does not allow pets. The poor ferret has spent the last couple of days
in a dog kennel and she is concerned for his care and that no one is
hugging and loving him up. She asked if we could help, how much it
would cost as they were paying twenty five dollars a day just to house
the ferret at the dog kennel and they were running low on funds with
her and her two kids.

Needless to say we have opened our safe haven to this ferret for
however long she needs. I look at it as an opportunity to give help
back to help someone after we have received so much help from all of
you and other local.

She and her two children and the ferret are coming to us tonight. The
kids miss their ferret and want to be sure he has friends to play with.
With all the horrorible things going on in the world today I am amazed
that within the past few weeks the four ferrets were rescued from the
fire and now another one in a fire has found their way to my door.

We may not be able to make a big difference in the big world but we
can make a huge difference in their little world.

Diane - South Shore Ferret Care

[Posted in FML 6598]