[Different fire than the chimney fire above.]

What on EARTH was this idiot thinking???? Oh, wait...he WASN'T

They had a motorcycle and: "Covered it with a tarp and carpeting, and
placed a heat lamp nearby."

Even my 4 year old neice knows better than to put a heat lamp near
anything with gasoline in it! Heck, even a lawn mower.

I swear, they should give tests to anyone who had a car, motorcycle,
whatever, and they can't buy the %$#*& thing unless they pass. I mean,
this is just common sense.

Hopefully other motorcycle owners will take heed, though I doubt it.
I'm just glad the ferrets and people made it out ok, and I'm sure the
cats did too, they are pretty resorceful.

In order to have a well balanced life,
you need a dog to adore you,
and a cat to ignore you.

[Posted in FML 6621]