I hate to be in the middle of heated arguments, however I am responding
to Robin's post. My dear Robin, I have worked in "kill- shelters" as
a veterinarian technician, I also worked for vet's offices that would
euthanize animals because the owner didn't "like" their animals colors
or markings. I promised myself and others that I would never say "no"
to a poor animal that has a chance. I try my best to take in all
ferrets that need a home or a safe place. I NEVER say no. All of us at
the RFRL have some sort of health issue. I, too just had surgery on my
hands this year (nerve damage from a work accident). I had to have a
spinal cord stimulator put in my spinal cord to allow me to be able to
use my hands for a small amount of time. I was on strict bed rest for
three months. This did not prevent me from taking in ferrets or caring
for ill ones. My husband has MS, and there are days he is unable to
walk, see, or use his hands. He still works as a physicist/engineer and
assists me with the ferrets upkeep. I also found out in January that I
now have ovarian cancer. All of these health issues do not prevent me
from saying "NO". Blaming health issues are excuses. We, including my
husband know the importance of caring for ferrets. We are the voices of
the ferrets. We are the keepers of them. Yes, the bank is dry, but the
ferrets come first. I would rather eat Ramen noodles for the rest of my
life, if it meant the ferrets had a roof over their heads, medicine to
allow them to live a loving and fulfilled life, and food in their
bellies. We all try our best to do what is right.

Kris Church LVT and vet school student.
Co-Director  Richmond Ferret Rescue League
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[Posted in FML 6619]