At 4 AM we awoke to alarms blaring and a smoke-filled house. The girls
pushed the ferret cages outside. I called 911. The fire was in the
chimney and burst through a closet wall behind the fireplace. We and
all the pets are okay. The deputy sheriff, police, firemen and
paramedics were all wonderful. There is some damage to the house and
tore up walls but all that doesn't matter. We are alive. I was worried
about my husband because he wouldn't leave the house and the deputy
sheriff was the one that got him out. He just didn't understand the
danger perhaps because of the pain meds.

The vision of smoke rolling across the kitchen ceiling and of my
ferrets frantically running around in their cages will be with me
forever and ever.

Thank you to everyone that has emailed me about my last post. I have
always told everyone how special the ferret community is.

Nancy, still in her sooty pajamas, busy hugging kids of all kinds

[Posted in FML 6619]