Good Morning,

Raisins is a small, in-home rescue and shelter and my ferrets are in my
home. Joe and I have modest two-story house and the ferrets, along with
my older pet cats and chinchilla, all occupy about 1,200 sq. feet. Yes,
its cozy to say the least. We hope to soon move into a bigger home with
more property and either build a couple of small buildings or, if we
are lucky, buy an existing property with a couple of buildings already
built onto the property. More importantly, move out of a once-was small
town but now growing-up into a suburb and further down I-55 into a more
rural area about 15 miles south where we can expand and where the town
officials will leave us alone.

But for today and tomorrow, we remain a small, in-home operation.

Today, I am a full-time paralegal and I have some health concerns but I
take it one day at a time knowing that my boss will be retiring either
next year or the year after that which will allow me to secure another
job where I can work 30 hours a week (I hope) and still be able to keep
the doors to the shelter open and take care of my ferrets in shelter
and in foster care. My health concerns will be addressed as time goes
along but I really don't focus on that issue too much as most of the
day-to-day can be abated with medications and therapy.

Today and tomorrow, we do not have any volunteers so it is just the two
of us as it is most of the time. We do have volunteers off and on and
we appreciate them for as long as they are with us. Our church members
help us when they can and during emergencies they are wonderful.

The shelter currently has (gulp) 50 in shelter today. And I am the
primary care-giver and Joe does all of the supportive work that allows
my energy and time to focus solely on their care. Not to mention the
dozens out in foster care - either in military foster or in our regular

Each and every ferrets is well loved and cared for....they want for
nothing except their own "forever home." Each and every cage is clean,
well maintained, and has fresh food and water available. Joe and I work
opposite shifts so there is someone at home at all times, pretty much.
On the weekends, I rarely leave the house .... and I am not unhappy
about this as it was my decision a long time ago knowing that this
commitment and responsibility would demand a sacrifice on my own
personal life. I lived it up when I was younger, traveled, partied ...
all that stuff and got it all out of my system, I guess.

Having said all of that, my answer ..... is and always will be a
resounding, "yes!" to any municipal or kill shelters who have ferrets
and ask our shelter to take them. We always have and always will
because that is what Raisins is -- a rescue and a shelter ... and I do
not take that identification lightly. If one calls today we will not
hesitate to take the ferret(s). Even with the numbers we currently
have in shelter today, that call will be answered in the affirmative
and someone will be picking up that ferret(s) before the end of the
business day...without exception.

We are committed to that promise and we keep our promises....for at
least today, tomorrow, and next week, and next month, ferrets that end
up in those horrible places will be taken in by this shelter as long
as I have breath.

I must wholeheartedly concur with Marlene on all points with the
exception of one thing ... I will not be available to those who
disagree with me because, as you can see, I am way too busy working and
taking care of my shelter commitment to be concerned about responding
to flamers or anyone else for that matter. Besides, I completely
support all of my brothers and sisters in rescue and would not
criticize anyone who travels that road with me .... even if I disagreed
with the manner in which their operation was run. I would offer
suggestions if asked and help when needed.

And that, my friends, is how I can look at the vast numbers of cages in
our home and turn off the lights in the wee hours of the mornings and
say, I did my best .... and that is how I sleep at night ..... knowing
that there are no ferrets languishing in municipal or kill shelters
within my reach .... knowing that I did not abandon them like their
owners did.

Never, not on my watch....

Maren Doshier
Raisins From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary
Hernando, MS

[Posted in FML 6618]