A bit off topic but valuable to others in email communications with
other ferreters.

I am having extreme problems communicating with those who use Verizon
for ISP or internet for email. One shelter in particular was a real
issue where we both are on excellent terms but I could not send to
them via their ISP, Verizon.

As it turns out the problem is on their end, not mine. Verizon sees my
email address as a business and rejects me as being spam which for sure
I am NOT. I have petitioned Verizon to knock it off and un-block me
from sending. They issued to me a form to fill out asking for my ISP
name, ISP octet/s, my name and phone number which I sent.

So Robin (ferrets_First), you will be able to receive from me again and
it is NOT you personally, only your ISP playing traffic cop which for
sure has merit but they have gone overboard somewhat. If others have a
problem with Verizon you can contact them at
http://www.verizon.net/whitelist to get yourself off that list. If
others are having problems getting to you, it may be good for you to
send this link to them to jog Verizon back to their senses.

aarrow ranch Signature

[Posted in FML 6618]