This morning I was in the freezer getting stuff out to thaw for dinner.
Usually I have ferrets out running loose almost 24x7 but these two
burrow into the furniture so they get allot of cage time in the cold
weather months where the porch is too cold to leave them out there.

Pester-Doodle was out ripping the house to shreds, usual ferret stuff
and was having a ball. She will follow me around the house but will get
bored and wander off when I stay in one spot. So I went on doing my
business. I unwrapped the stuff and put it in a place to thaw and drain
and went off to look out my window where I am expecting a UPS shipment
today. I noticed Pester didn't follow me.

I didn't think much of it but then decided to see what she had got
into. She learned how to get into the couch and all from Peekaboo who
is notorious for that. So I took a quick walk around the house looking
for her. I didn't find her in any of the usual hiding places so I
stopped to listen for her moving around. Not a sound. So I went back
to the kitchen to do something and heard some noise. That had to be
her but where in *^*#%^& was she . . . . . .

I heard that noise again and opened the freezer door. I'll be darned!
There she was in the bottom tray in the freezer! Ha!

She was cold and most grateful to be out of there. I never noticed her
getting in or even near me while I was in the freezer. Am glad I didn't
leave the house for anything and then come back to find a frozen animal
in the freezer!

I held her in my arms to help warm her up and she was quite grateful
for my personal attention. After she began the squirming routine I knew
she was ok and back to normal so back to the cage she went. I keep
learning these lessons, sometimes over and over but here is another
one. Am very happy she is fine and is like nothing ever happened.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester-Doodle
aarrow ranch Signature

[Posted in FML 6618]