Do you want to see how ferrets helped my son? Helped us? How YOU all
helped us?

This is a movie of Sean age 4-18 depicting his life with autism and
with ferrets. This video shows a lot of footage BEFORE Rocky when he
was nonverbal much of the time. It is shocking to see him so flat and
not connecting with us to the next clip dancing around with Rocky
chattering on and on.

It took me weeks to get this footage over his life time together and
squish into a tiny time piece along with text explanations of what you
are seeing. So, I hope you go look at it. It's really something to see

Before viewing, click 480p, and click on the button right next to it
that looks like a double arrow on the bottom of the video screen
(towards the right). You'll be glad (especially since there is some
text to read so you know what you are looking at).

If you are wondering why it is quiet and so low-key, that is because
that's what our life with Sean was like until middle school.

-- I'd like to say that because I had to squish everything in for a
10 min YouTube movie, the footage of Sean i included was taken during
average days. Not when he tried to talk and not when he would rock in
silence and much worse, so it is a little misleading. Very important to
note that and it was something I should have pointed out more. It's in
the comments there now. His adulthood footage comes across right on the
nose. There are no bad times and no great times. But that is because he
has far, far less extreme times now.

He was capable of talking up to 4 word phrases at age 5, but wouldn't
most of the time and it didnt' always make meaningful sense. Right
before Rocky came at age 8, he could talk a little more and get his
needs met quite well. But that was rarely and much of it was super
high functioning mimicing in one form or another. Computers, then sign
language is what made the monumental leaps with communication during
his childhood. Rocky triggered another huge leap in communication AND
the biggest social/emotional leap he had ever had in his life.


[Posted in FML 6615]