So, what sounds like snow and ice melting from the rooftop above a
carport, attached to the 85+ year old home, like a peaceful combination
of slow drips, occasional splatters and light tinkling while it's
falling below to concrete and asphalt?


Five, (yes, all five)?old, grubby free-roaming retired "therapy"
ferrets digging out an entire 20-lb bag of song-bird seed onto mom's
hardwood floor in the dining room- which wasn't even discovered for at
least another hour when dumb & dumber shelter mom goes to let back
inside the 90-some-lb G.Shepard, upon when reentering the home, she
spies a huge mountain of seed, spilling down the bag, thought to be
sealed, and dumped mostly all over the hardwood floor, wayyyy back
under, well, as far as anything that I "hide" under the dining room
table, and there was damn near a knee-high mountain of seed.

Well, at least I got in more workout this am- all those deep-knee
squats, bends & lifts. Besides- I hope the birds didn't mind their
now somewhat recycled seed.

Never underestimate the determination of a grodie old bunch of senile
men. Yes, they all still have their appeal...

Damn it, I hear... SNICKERING! Stop it right now! Go to bed, you rotten

Marlene B.

[Posted in FML 6613]