Critter Camp is an approved recipient of the animals and so has been
updated all along the way since the initial raid in mid Dec.

Here is an update on the animlas in the rescue- they are virtually all
spoken for by animal specific rescues - for example the Hedgehog
Welfare Society has arranged for all of the hedgies to go to approved
rescues where the ones that are able to will be adopted to safe homes,
the rest will stay in the shelters or sanctuaries.

All that are left are some species of reptiles and amphibians, and
lots & lots of dwarf hamsters- we are scheduled to take in about 30
of them but at last update there were thousands still. The inital
lsit we received showed possibly only 2 ferrets which I believe were
immediately spoken for, but there were hundreds of hedgehogs, thousands
of other small animals and reptiles. Most animal were starving, filthy,
sick and dying. It sounded horrific.

The SPCA of TX will not be directly adopting any of the animals-
the administration would be enormous- that is why they are placing
everything with approved rescues.

Not one single animal in the rescue is native wildlife and it is
strictly forbidden for any receiving organization to rehab & release
any one of them to the wild- that is emphasized very strongly!

So some are going to zoos and other approved facilities, many are
travelling all voer the country. The initial raid, triage and care
were immense, and now the task of coordinating all the varied 'train'
tranpsorting animals is going to be another huge feat.

We are looking for contacts in nashville and Southern Il to help with
the transport to us here in NW IL of the hammies we are taking in- if
anyone is able to assist please email me at [log in to unmask] -

I will be happy to report any new information we get as well- Wish us
all luck in getting the furry & scaly babies to their new safe homes-
and send greetings at the bridge to the many that it was too late for.

Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary

[Posted in FML 6596]