February News 2010
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
Possum Senior Reporter

Suzie Q here: See Possum I told you! Didn't I tell you Mr Big was
going to have a cow with the really long news letter last month? I
know I told you Mr Big was going to have a cow! Look what he put at
the bottom of our news on the FML last month!

Possum here: Suzie will you get a grip! What is up with you? Mr. Big
was just teasing us with that [Mooooo] Geezzzzzz you're really loosing
it these days, are you okay?

Suzie Q here: Well how am I supposed to know if Mr. Big is kidding?

Possum here: Because if he wasn't kidding the news would not have gone
up on the FML silly! Now let's stop goofing around or Mr. Big will have
to [Mooooooooo] again! The new little girl Hope that came in needing
immediate medical attention is now doing well thanks to all the people
that helped get her there and home. Hope got to go to camp and spend
the night with Miss Donna before she could get her to our favorite doc
on Thursday morning. Miss Stephanie and Mr Tom brought Hope back to
mum; mum got to meet the new Miss Nickles; Alex. Mum says she is really
tiny and looks just like a 2 legged furless kid only in miniature. Mum
even held her for a little bit. Mum says she is a cutie and she thinks
Tom and Steph did good getting this kid. Suzie Q here: mum held little
Alex? Wow that is really something! Possum they did not GET her they
HAD her.

Possum here: So what! What is the difference?

Suzie Q throwing her hands up in disgust! I give up! Anyway after Hope
came home she had to go back up to doc again because she was sick
again. She came home, and then went back to doc. So Hope was in the
hospital 3 times in 3 weeks and Possum's Posse was right there helpen.
Miss Donna D, Miss Stephanie N, Mr. Tom N, Miss Mindy H, Miss Jackie R.
and Miss Mary M. Hope is home and doing well all because the Posse was
there to help mum make sure she got where she needed to be when she
needed to be there!

Possum here: Hey Suzie did you say Miss Jackie R? You mean she is back?
Hi Miss Jackie I am waving at you, welcome back! Miss Iliana, Miss
Donna, Miss Mindy Miss Genevieve, call came to help mum. Then Miss Brie
came to pick up her Loka to take her home to their new house. Mum had
Loka here at camp until her mom got their new house settled. She is
home with her mom happy to have a new house to investigate. Miss
Janette was here that day too. Miss Janette was sad her Breezie went to
Rainbow Bridge. Mum told Miss Janette all she had to do is come find
someone here if she wanted. Oh yeah then we had the Talledo girls here
at camp too.

Suzie Q here: Hey Possum we have clinic day secured with our favorite doc.
anyone interested in knowing more can see it here
so if you are looking for some fun this summer you can come hang out
with us on clinic day. If you want to know what it is all about you
can see pictures here http://community.webshots.com/user/lakeroad2

Mum had a home visit to do for Chloe and Izzy. They picked a family so
mum went to see if who they picked and where they are going to live
were ready to have them come home with mum. Miss Donna went with mum;
it was WAAAAAAAAAY out in the sticks so mum was glad she did not go by
herself. Any way mum was pleased with the things they had done to make
their place safe for Chloe and Izzy. There were just a few things that
needed to be complete so it looks like they will be going to their new
4-ever home this coming weekend.

Possum here: Chloe and Izzy's not so far, far away mom will get to see
them one more time before they go. Miss Ilana was sad last week when
mum told her the girls may have a 4-ever home, but mum and I have been
putting our heads together and we think we are going to see if Miss
Ilana will want to be Braveheart and Hopes not so far, far away mom.
She was the one that went to go get them when they needed saving.

The old lady that mum takes care of may be going to go live with her
daughter in NM. She needs more then the few hours a day mum is with her
to be looked after and Mum can't do that so her daughter is coming to
NY to see what she can do to help. Miss Kathy is going to stay with us
for a day or two until she can secure a place to stay while she is here
going to appointments with Old lady Kay. Mum enlisted Miss Jackie to
help get the place ready for a non-ferret human visitor to stay with
us. Mum has renamed Miss Jackie to "MISS MR. Clean"! She made this
place look like it has not looked since before we where here. Miss
Jackie runs rings around mum when she cleans. Thanks Miss Jackie!

Suzie Q here: So Possum what do you think do we have all the news
covered? It looks like it to me!

Suzie Q signing off until next month.

Super Snooper Trooper Senior Reporter signing off until next month too!

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[Posted in FML 6610]