It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was being quiet today. De
kits had gone outside to play. So she was hoping for a few hours of
peace and tranquility. De cottage door was closed, which was so unusual
for her, as it was usually wide open to all visitors. Soon she fell
fast asleep. Then, as if in a dream, she heard a loud knocking at de
door. She ignored it, hoping whoever was there would just go away.
She should have known better, for de door was flung open and in flew
Dexter, de little boy courier. He stomped over to her and made sure
she was awake by shaking her and saying,

"SawaFewwet, you is awake now aren't you? I has an important message
from the Boss that this fewwet is cwossing the Bwidge. His Mommy
requesting that you gweet him. What's the matter with you that you
has to sleep all the time? Now here is the note. Is there anything
else you need me for?"

I was now wide awake, so I read the note. I decided that Dexter was
able to get the requested fuzzies. If not, we would find them on our
own. Then I headed for the entrance. I was just in time to see this big
4 lb albino fuzzy waiting for me right by de entance. (Oh my, I am glad
he didn't go off on his own, he would have been lost). He looked at me
and said,

"Hi, wanna wrestle."

(Well, there is a first time for this approach from a newcomer, so I
checked my note). I introduced myself, "Hi I am SaraFerret and I am the
bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever
home. Here you will have no more pain or suffering. You will run on
green grass forever and have lotsa friends. Did I mention de fun and
games? Oh I think I will pass on the wrestling."

"Well ok just thought I would ask. My name is Frost. My mommy said that
I had some friends here already but all I see is you, but I guess you
and I can be friends. Do you like to run and play and chase waves? I
can walk long distances, cause I am a big tough ferret or at least I
used to be. Where will I stay here? It is pretty here."

I replied to his many questions. "Frost, You will see your friends
later. Just be patient. I know this is difficult. Of course I like to
run and play and chase waves. But we have lotsa other things for
fuzzies to do here. And you won't even have to walk unless you want to
do so. As to where you will stay, again you must be patient. Of course
it is pretty here, the grasses are tall; perfect for big fuzzies to
hide in and things like that. But I will tell you something else: you
will get wings like mine; well not exactly like mine, they will be
special ones just for you. They are great for flying about the heavens,
sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud. Oh yes, have you checked
yourself since you crossed? Don't you feel much better?"

He looked at his fur and it was all fluffy and yes, he did feel great.
Hey, this really was a great place. So we went down de path to de Wing
House where de wings were stored. We opened de door and on de counter
was a big box--of course. He opened de box and took out his
wings--bright lavender with pink streaks. I helped him put on his wings
and got a stool and adjusted his halo (because after all, he was a big
tough fuzzy). He ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his
reflection. My he was a handsome fellow, wasn't he. Den he turned to me
and said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

We went out de door, and we were met by his friends, Lancelot, Merlin,
Nikita, and Pirate. Oh he was overjoyed. (Personally I think he was
happier that he wasn't stuck just playing with a small girl ferret). We
went down de path to de Misting Pond and sat down beside de cool clear
water. With one swish he saw a vision of Mommy Lori with the ferrets
appear. He got so excited he started waving and dooking with all of
his might.

"I love you Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I found my friends here. I
have wings now and soon I will be able to fly about the heavens. I feel
so much better now. It is so pretty here. There are tall grasses where
we can hide and play."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped them with all of his
love and laid them on a nearby shooting star and by de time you should
read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de vision
was gone.

We left dere and went down another path through the sweet williams,
under the honeysuckle, and the roses without thorns until we reached
their cottage which was close to Lily Lake. They showed him the cottage
so he wouldn't have to worry about where he was going to stay and
then we went to Lily Lake where a big picnic was laid out. Music was
a-playing. Frost was amazed at all the food. In fact he was surprised
at all the strange ferrets who were there greeting him. He asked me
who they were. Oh these are your neighbors, just come to greet you and
welcome you. Then his group showed him the waves of Lily Lake. Oh he
had to test them out before he could eat or dance. As I left, there
he was trying to make the waves stand still just as he had on earth.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6608]