ts with a very hurting heart i have to tell yas that Gidget passed away
this morn around noon, she died in my arms, her spleen had rupturing
while we was at the vets and she took her last breath just befor the
drs came in with the shot, they went on ahead and gave her the shot
though, she layed there just looking at me i cryed and so did Dr Wright
cause that little girl knew her sence she came to us in 2002, dam she
was such a sweetie and i will miss her so bad, i took her out to my
parents ranch and baried her beside my personals ferrets graves instead
if the shelter side, she would have been with me 8 yrs in April. She
was one of the paralized ferrets i had and now i know she is dooking
a happy dance that she can walk and play like a normel ferret again,

Gidget Mommy will miss you sooo much. my heart is hurting but i know
your healthy and pain free now.

Love mommy

Arkansas Ferret Rescue Shelter for Hospice and Sp Needs

[Posted in FML 6605]