Hi Marlene and others:

I missed your original post, but I can tell you from my somewhat
limited experience that the Deslorelin implant is definitely the way to
go if your vet can import some from Australia. They come in 4-packs.
We had one implanted in our new boy Pop, who had extremely high levels
of homrmones per the Tennessee Panel (i.e. confirmed raging adrenal
disease). He also had other problems when he came to us recently after
being abandoned, and one side effect of his adrenal disease was that
his prostate was enlarged and we feared he would block completely. In
less than a week after getting the Deslorelin implant his prostate was
back to normal and his urinating was back to normal. We're still less
than a month since the implant, and his coat is already growing back

Costs may vary, but we paid $100 for the Deslorelin implant, and they
are supposed to be effective from 9-18 months. We had paid $135 for
4-month Lupron Depot shots in the past, so not only does the Deslorelin
seem to be more effective, but on a per-month basis, it's also far
cheaper. From what I've heard, there is a U.S. company trying to get
approval to distribute the Deslorelin implants in the U.S., and if
they succeed, then I believe this would be a godsend for ferrets with
adrenal disease who are not good candidates for surgery.

In Memory of Trinny, Neo, Pip, and Mr. Parker
Caring for Morphy, Baby Girl, Luna, Dozer, Sabrina, Minnie Mouse, Pop,
and Possum the Million Dollar Ferret

[Posted in FML 6603]