When I first looked into getting some of mine certified, Delta did not
and is not doing ferrets -- rabbits yes and at the time I had a rabbit.
So I kept searching and found PAWS and now I have 5 that are Certified
Therapy Ferrets!! They go into nursing homes, schools and other places.
DELTA just hasn't "woken up" to the fact about ferrets, but PAWS is
wonderful about it!!! If anyone wants to know more or how to go about
getting their babies certified - you can contact me and I will give you
the info to contact Jan, the head of PAWS as she is wonderful!! And
others have done just that already!!! I was the first to have therapy
ferrets thru them and others have followed!!! It can be done guys!!!!!

Nancy & the Fuzzie Friends Org.

[Posted in FML 6601]