Many, and I do mean many, ferret people have not just pursued this
issue with Delta, but done so vigorously. I for one have tried every
couple years, and dealt with new people in office each time to no
avail. In fact, it's not been unusual for people to have been met by
people in Delta who were downright rude. Now you know (if you've read
my posts over the years), how I can pussy foot around and butter up
people because I firmly believe you can catch more bee's with honey.
And you know by my lack of responses back to anyone off base or rude
here means how laid back and accepting I am. But Delta has been
terribly rude even with me and acted very ignorantly about ferrets
to boot. The few people who were not verbally rude, were still rude
in that when I showed them references and documents proving ferret
domestication they refused to reply!!! There was only one person who
was willy to carry on an intelligent conversation with me about this,
and they spoke to those above them at quite a length and the answer
that was given to them was still a flat out no with no reaons. That
occured just last year in fact.


[Posted in FML 6600]