The other night I was getting ready to feed Danni Boy who needs to be
held while he laps up his recipe. As I gathered the supplies, towel for
my lap (because either I tilt the dish or someone puts a paw on it to
pull it towards them and it spills all over me, the floor, sometimes
the bed, or Danni goes the bathroom while eating...), blanket for Danni
so he doesn't get cold (he's bald), baby food, dish, I'm thinking how
can I make this easier on him and me. Danni has no use of his back legs
so when he lays on my lap his upper body supports him but his back end
sort of sways and my lap isn't very sturdy. Then I saw it! An extra
snap in solid tray from a super pet cage. The wheels started turning!
I picked up the tray, placed the towel over it, the recipe dish on
one end, picked up Danni, put him on the tray on my lap and laid the
blanket over him. Voila! A portable feeding station for assisted
feedings! Worked like a charm!

If one didn't have a snap in tray, I'm guessing a tv tray or a general
food tray would work well too.

I've been working with ferrets for 25 years and this just comes to me
now? Geesh.

So for assisted feedings, even if you are finger or syringe feeding,
you may want to check out my idea to see if it makes it a little


[Posted in FML 6593]