Yes, there is such a thing as allergy to ferrets. I have four furry
kids and am allergic to each and every one of them. But I have ferrets
because I am less allergic to them than cats or dogs. I take a daily
antihistamine and I am currently undergoing immunology (allergy)
shots. My allergist has confirmed there is no known serum for ferret
allergies, so my shots are not for them, but for everything else I am
allergic too. As my allergist explains it, if we can get some of my
other allergies under control, I may be less sensitive to the allergies
I cannot control.

When I get new ferrets like I did this last year after the last two of
my prior business died in Jan/Feb 2009, I have an awful first month
while adjusting to them. It didn't help that it also happened to be the
time of year when the walnut and alder trees were pollenating. After an
adjustment period I am able to tolerate them a little better however
that may not be true of everyone. Like each person, each ferret is
different and the reaction to individuals may be different. Get a
ferret anywhere near my twin sister and her asthma kicks in something
fierce and she can't breathe. I have owned 12 ferrets over the course
of the years and some have given my allergies a real workout and others
have caused small red bumps to immediately appear when held, while
others haven't caused me any problems.

The best advice for your friend is to make sure she washes her hands
after touching them, especially before touching her face. She should
try an antihistamine like Zyrtec or Claritan. If she can afford it,
she may want to look into a good quality air cleaner. And what ever
she does, do not let them in her bedroom.

I would hate to suggest it, but she just may not be able to tolerate
them on any level.

[Posted in FML 6568]