I got my first ferret 4 yrs. ago, since then I've taken in 13, some
abused, neglected or the owners couldn't care for them any longer. I
didn't know much about ferrets at first, but with everyone's help,
l've learned a great deal. I have been lucky so far and haven't had
any dental problems with my ferrets. I brush their teeth 2 times a
week. They don't like it, but don't fight it. I want to thank all the
shelters I've contacted with for information. You have been great and
now I'm even getting good help from individuals. I'd like to get some
information on litter. I use the recycled paper is there anything
better out there? What cleaning solution is best for cleaning out
cages. Right now I'm using water with a little bleach and rinsing
really well. Is this ok?

[Posted in FML 6587]