Good afternoon,

I'm currently assisting someone with rehoming of her ferrets. Due to
circumstances beyond her control, she can no longer keep them. This
has been a very difficult and heartbreaking decision for her. She has
exhausted all of her options and has kept them as long as she has been
able to, however, the situation has not improved and she needs to find
her babies a new home. There are 5 ferrets altogether.. below is an
excerpt from an e-mail I received with information about the ferrets.

If you are interested in adopting these furbabies, please contact me
at ferrets_america@ or nancyjp2001@ Please try and
understand this decision was very difficult for her, so no flames
please. Permission to crosspost granted. Thank you!

Nancy Propper
Director & Coordinator
Ferrets Across America

Founder & Executive Director
Paws For Courage
www.pawsforcourage. org
a 501c3 non profit organization
'Giving more victims the chance of becoming survivors'

Brandy and Bear are brother and sister and would like to keep them
together if possible. They are both 4 yrs old and sable. I got them at
a pet store in 2007 when they were 12wks old. Bear has lost alot of his
fur and Brandy has started loosing fur on her tail. Bear loves to play
with stuffed toys. He carries them with him to the water dish and puts
it in the dish while he's drinking. Brandy use to bite alot but has
gotten better about that. They both love to give you kisses. Brandy
and Bear do not like the other guys at all so I have to keep them in
separate areas and they can not play together at all. These ferrets
are very little for adult ferrets - they look like babies.

- Bastian is 3yrs old cream tan and black in color and in good health
- Casey is 3 yrs old sable in color and in good health
- Korey is 3 yrs old sable in color and is loosing his fur.

I got these 3 guys from my vet in 2007 - someone dropped them off
saying he found them outside and could not keep them. These boys love
to run through tunnels and play well together. If possible would like
to keep them together as as far as I know they have always been
together prior to me adopting them. These ferrets are big boys.
Bastian is very hyper and has to be on the go all the time when awake.
Korey use to bite alot, but will knibble when playing now.
Casey is a very sweet ferret and loves to give you endless kisses.

As you can see I love all of them very much and will miss them alot
if am able to find them homes, but don't know what else to do at this
point. They deserve a better life than what they have now.

[Posted in FML 6587]