to Fran who took offense I said it didn't matter where the ferrets come
from, I just want to add a few things. One that sentence was taken out
of context. It was following it didn't matter where you rescue them
from, taking them from any bad source and putting them into a home is
indeed a rescue

SO many are on the soap box about farms and petstores. At least the
petstores chains obtain their ferrets through the larger farms,
Marshall Farms, Triple F, Path Valley, etc. These places are regulated
and regularly inspected. They have vets on staff, they mostly produce
good healthy ferrets, which in any breeding situation, cattle, horses,
ferrets, humans, there can be "defects". They also research for better
foods and health conditions and produce products for the enjoyment of
the animal, they contribute $$ for rescue operations and catastrophes.
Are these farms not better than what we put our dogs and cats through,
the backyard breeders where it is in a little shed with no a/c or
heat, in cages that don't get cleaned regularly, no vetting, poor
feeding, over crowding some laying dead along with the living. These
backyard breeders sell their puppies and kittens to stores that look
respectable.....but what those dogs go through is horrible. I am far
more leery of the little Ma and Pa stores and where they get their
ferrets from than I am the larger chain stores that do buy from the

Texas just did a raid on a Pom breeder - she showed her Poms too - and
the conditions were deplorable - one female gave birth to 2 pups 4 days
later, she had no teeth to even deliver them she was so old. Is THAT
what you want instead of regulated farms?

People LOVE ferrets, most do anyway to make them the 3rd most popular
pet in America. There is going to be the demand. If the stores don't
provide them, then the backyard breeders are going to see $$$ and start
breeding them in worse conditions than you can imagine and I HAVE
witnessed some of these horrible backyard ferret breeders. I also know
some wonderful breeders who do a litter or two at a time and give the
ferrets every comfort. Yet they certainly could not keep up with the
demand nor could most folks afford the prices that would be charged
plus the shipping. Then backyard breeders will start selling them in
the papers, diseased and defected just like the dogs, inbreeding
problems, temperament disorders, and to whoever answers the ads.

Unfortunately, where there is money, there is greed and animals are
commodities at that level, not loving pets as we see them. To shut
down the reputable farms, is like throwing the baby out with the
wash........there is way too much excess now of ferrets as all shelter
Mom's will tell you, but soon that would dry up and few people would be
able to obtain ferrets. I agree, some people should never own them or
any pet but I also feel that way about having children. I also know the
many people who love, cherish, and adore ferrets and ferrets have made
a change in many people's life for the better, autistic children, older
adults, and just regular people like me. I would hate to see ferrets go
extinct or be bred so carelessly.

Is there a solution, one that would make it perfect? I don't think so
with mankind's mind set - make it better, surely someone has some
suggestions and can lobby or do what it takes to make changes. Most
people complain without thinking and weighing what the consequences
would be or are willing to make the efforts it would take for the

Millie and the Texas Ferret Lovers Rescue 

[Posted in FML 6586]