Alexandra - you start with two definite issues, an open door (which
if you haven't experienced, I pray you never have to) and reclining

Other things 'could' be: An oven that ferrets can get under, power
cords (some ferrets like to chew), One thing that some don't think
about is an emergency procedure with a sick pet. I went in to panic
mode when we had a sick boy. I started calling around to find someone
to look at a ferret on the weekend. I should have done this in advance.
I should have known where to go. I do now!

Another thing to consider is having a couple of good ferret
knowledgeable phone numbers handy. I am very fortunate to know Jean C
and Linda I and a bunch of great folks at FERRETS UNLIMITED. I can't
thank Jean enough for taking my tearful calls at 2 AM... this is why we
love her (don't ask - I am not giving out any phone numbers lol). Now
that I am a little more experienced I don't make those calls as much
but the number is still there... sometimes when you are under the gun
you forget the simple things and that phone call can point you in the
right direction.

Let's see what else... not having an emergency plan in place in case of
a natural disaster (tornado, earthquake, etc.). What do you need? How
long will it take to collect those items?


[Posted in FML 6586]