Thanks to everybody for your friendly (and sometimes conflicting)
advice on taking care of Patty. I have banished raisins,
re-ferret-proofed, and thought about getting her a buddy when my
home and budget can stand it. So thanks!

Since my last message was so serious I thought I'd share some of
Patty's favorite toys and games. I'm a student with a small budget,
so there are a lot of home-made ferret toys in my house:

*The Bumble Ball Jr. *is probably her favorite toy (I picked it up at
the Dollar Store and modified it by removing the rubber bumpers. What
I ended up with is basically a Wiffle ball that hums, vibrates, and
rolls itself across the floor. Drives her nuts.

*Riverdance. *For some reason traditional Irish music is on Patty's
wavelength. When I put it on I get lots of chuckling and dancing. There
is an obvious change in energy level (not always for the better...

*Human Ascention*. Patty is becoming a champion human-climber. I may be
her third-favorite plaything, after the Bumble and the Roomba.

*Typing and book maintainance. *Since I am studying library science and
traditional bookbinding, there are a lot of really interesting books
around the house. Patty loves to climb in the gap between the tops of
the books and the shelf. She makes sure nothing is hidden up there.
After spending so much time with my library school books, she has also
made the following contribution to the professional literature:

nhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjer  mn9


(the above actually "typed" by Patty moments ago when she walked over
my netbook)

What are some of your fuzzies' favorite "budget" toys?  I would love some
more suggestions.  I leave you with this sweet photo of Patty:
(cut and paste or click the link).

Thanks again!


[Posted in FML 6584]